SB-78-24-110 24V110A Car Starter BMS
- Continuous discharge current specifically designed for a car alternator use: 110A
- Max discharge current: Peak current 900A, with delay time for 10Ms.
- Floating Battery Balancer: smart cell balancer starts at/ over 3.50V, but it acts only on cells with volt variances, higher by 40mV than the lowest one. The bleeding current dissipates by from 40mA to 300mA,
- Mosfet Management: Sense circuit designed for a purpose to keeping Mosfets from all being burnt down..
- Sleep Mode with no current consumption: System shuts, showing 0 volt measured at terminals in 2 onditions, as follows: (1).When a status of no load lasts for 5~22(in default) days and, (2).when it is in UVP status.
- Low Voltage Start Energy Reserve (LVSER): LVSER Mode acts at cell volt dropping down to 2.90V, to break off lower current drains and slow down storage loss, which is not involved with driving or igniting.The LVSER Mode maintains margin storage to start car engine again at its low voltage. LVSER Volt will keep dropping, with parasitic load in car, from 2.90V till 2.4V, or to the volts when it goes to sleep mode, whichever first.
- LVSER Disable: LVSER function will self-disable once when car alternator fails to supply power to battery.
- BEMF protection: The BMS has protection for itself conducting back electromotive forces from the car.
Key Specification:
Physical Structure:
Wiring diagram: